Privacy Policy


1. Introduction

This is the official Website of Green Square Brand Design Limited. It is intended to serve as an introduction to our firm, by giving an outline of our services and by providing details of how we can be contacted.

The terms and conditions set out below govern the use by you of the Website. We reserve the right to change the terms of use of the Website at any time and you are requested to check the terms of use from time to time to ensure that you have seen the latest version.

2. Copyright and Trademark

Subject to the provisions below, the copyright in all content, graphics, tables, images and underlying codes of the Website belongs to us and is hereby asserted. Any copying or modification of all or any part of the Website is hereby prohibited with the exception that clients and prospective clients are welcome to take a copy of the pages of the Website, which do not contain materials relating to our clients, as a record of its contents and for personal use only.

[The Website also contains materials belonging to our clients. These are displayed on the Website with their kind permission, for the purpose of promoting the range of services offered by us and are for display only. Any copying of such materials is strictly prohibited and you are required to be careful and to contact us, if you require any further clarification in this regard.]

We hereby assert and reserve all our copyright, design right, moral rights, the moral rights of our employees, community design rights and all other rights in law of whatever type anywhere in the world to protect our intellectual property, goodwill and reputation.

3. Cookies

This Website does not use cookies

4. Links to other websites

The Website contains links to other websites. We do not endorse or confirm the contents of any such website and accept no liability or responsibility for the contents or the use of such website. Please read the privacy statements upon entry to a linked website, as a matter of practice.

5. Virus Disclaimer

Reasonable steps have been taken to protect this Website by anti virus software but all visitors are advised to take all necessary steps to ensure that no virus contamination occurs. No responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage sustained as a consequence of any virus transmission.

6. Mailings

Newsletters and occasional mailings are made to those of the users, who have given their prior consent to it. If you do not wish to continue to receive such mailings or would like to subscribe to them, please contact

7. Compliance

All parties are required to comply with UK legislation relating to websites and e-commerce.

8. Unauthorised Use of the Website

The following uses are unauthorised, a breach of these conditions and may be an infringement or even a crime:

(a) Any unauthorised use or copying of our name, trading style, get-up, confidential information or data (being information of a confidential nature the misuse of which will foreseeably damage our business reputation or goodwill) or copyright material.

(b) Unauthorised entry to any non-public part of the Website, including its underlying codes, or into any of our private computer system.

(c) Unauthorised copying, downloading or framing of any part of the Website.

(d) Unauthorised covert or overt linking of any part of our Website with another or interception of visitors or potential visitors.

(e) Any action which is intended or has the effect of deceiving or misleading us or third parties, whether for gain or otherwise.

(f) If any personal data (i.e. data on the basis of which an individual can be identified, e.g. e-mail address, name, date of birth, etc) is being collected through Website, the a Data Protection statement will need to be included.

9.English law

The Website and its contents are governed by English law.

Last updated 7th September 2012.

Green Square locality
Green Square Brand Design offices

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