Witham Group’s products are everywhere, but you probably wouldn’t know. They have even been described as ‘the largest oil and paint company that nobody has ever heard of’. However, if you know, you know. Witham Group are holders of a Royal Warrant.

Aside from Royal estates, you’ll find Witham’s products in or on racing cars, classic cars, plant machinery, agricultural machines, boats, aircraft to name but a few. Our initial challenge was to produce a film, celebrating a century of quietly going about the business of providing fantastic products and service.

Our chosen approach was to skip the dramatic voiceover and barrage of pop-up facts. Instead, we put Witham Group’s Managing Director in front of the camera, who better as the third generation of a family-owned company. When celebrating such a landmark it’s good to look back, but more important to look forwards. People, key products and industry-leading processes were integral to the story.
Film launched; our next challenge was to simplify Witham’s core messages for social media communications. With a wide range of products and markets, Witham have much to say, however, we thought key messages weren’t cutting through. Our simple visual style and unique messages are loud and clear without having to shout.

“Throughout each process Greensquare were engaged, cared about the project and took the time to get to know our business further. We were delighted with the end results and can highly recommend Greensquare.”
Ali Bottom, Director of Group Marketing, Witham Group

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