Smart communications can generate profits for manufacturers and dealers. The most successful campaigns are driven by a clear vision, an understanding of the solution and a distinctive visual and verbal style. Before setting out to launch a new product, here is a useful reference…
What is your business goal? The most successful campaigns are driven by a clear commercial objective.
What is the role for advertising? The most effective campaigns set out how communications will help solve the business objective.
How strong is the product? Product quality is important, but be ruthless with product differentiation, keep it relevant.

What is the balance between emotion and information? The precise balance is defined by the business challenge, brand status and the strength of the product.
What is the brand vision and tone? Make sure the campaign fits with the over-arching vision and feel of the brand. This builds momentum each campaign.
What’s the big idea? Define the creative idea, keep it simple, enable flexibility for multiple messages across online and offline channels.
What about trying something different? Few products are judged on performance more than vehicles. Bring that innovation into the marketing mix, find a different perspective.

How do you legislate for varying customer journeys? View the customer journey as a road map with various entry points. Communications interact and overlap, every touchpoint can be a beginning.
Are you ready to measure? Long and short term data strategies provide actionable insights. It is vital that whatever the measurement tools, they must be in place up front.
Vehicles are our specialist subject Whatever the vehicle type, we use our unique expertise and experience in the sector to help automotive brands activate awareness and accelerate sales.
For a free consultation contact Phil Westwood: phil@gsbd.co.uk
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