Ask Bateman what goes into making every self-propelled crop sprayer that leaves their factory and they will tell you ‘Heart and Soul’. When you combine this passion with our passion for helping businesses achieve their goals, it makes for a powerful partnership.

Every month you’ll find us at Bateman HQ with their senior team driving the annual marketing plan that we have agreed, in line with our strategy for the brand, which is driven by Bateman’s goals and ambitions.

Our Driving Sprayers positioning is helping Bateman communicate their unique market proposition, reinforcing their position as market leaders. Team Bateman is our F1 inspired branding, which perfectly demonstrates the unequalled support that Bateman customers receive in the field.
Pole position has been secured through creative stand out. Our visual and verbal identity is a carousel of striking images and graphics, combined with simple messages and compelling stories. We’ve even dipped into retro motorsport art to create a series of unique illustrations that perfectly portray the iconic status of Bateman’s machines.

“We design and build sprayers, it’s what we’re passionate about. Therefore, we need a brand partner who can tap into this passion, mix it with their own and work closely with us to ensure that we stand out from the crowd. In Greensquare we have that partner.”
Jason Bateman, Managing Director, R J Bateman Engineering Ltd

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